Sunday, January 4, 2009

Part C

Amendments 12, 13, 14, & 15 are often referred to as a major turning point in US government policy. Explain the importance of these amendments:

Amendments 12-15 were very important to the US government. These amendments changed the whole voting process of Americans due to these amendments changing the the requirements eligible to vote. Every person was allowed to vote by the passing of these laws and that means that there will be different outcomes of the kind of person will be president.

These amendments also shaped Americans as what we are today, not just the government. Amendment 13 abolished slavery and that was a very significant part of American History. The abolishment of slavery was very significant and it helped us become the country of "equality" that were are viewed as.

Does the 14th combine with the earlier "no religious test" clause to guarantee a vision of a diverse and equitable society with no government discrimination:

I think that the 14th amendment does promote this vision more then guarantee it. I believe that people will always judge by race and religion and thats just because of the way Americans, and people in general. You can't force someone to think a certain way just because of a law or an amendment.

Part 6:
Out of all the amendments I think that the 13th was the most impoertant because it abolished slavery and that, like stated before) really shaped this country into what people believe it is today, A free country, an equal country.

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