Sunday, January 18, 2009

Marx's Analysis and Critique of Capitalism

What Marx basically says about what capitalism is, is that (reffering the vampirization) its like a vampire. Capitalism thrives on sucking the labor (the blood) of the workforce. The more labor it sucks the longer it survives. When it comes to the booms and bust in capitalism, Marks beleived that for every boom there is a bust and that will continue to happen untill the bust is so large that the economy will not be able to recover to have a boom and that will lead to capitalism falling. The bust represent basically a recession or maybe even a depression and what Marx believes is that after every recession there will be a bigger profit increase untill like i said before there will be such a big recession or depression that the system will fail.

I agree with this idea and I think it will happen, I just dont really know when the big bust will happen. I'm not completely sure if communism is really the right way to go when it comes to the way people should live and what system it should be. I believe that it may be possible to prevent that big bust if we can just figure out a way to keep Capitalism thirving and maybe just make it more fair to everyone. When I think of that idea I will be sure to publish a book about it.

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