Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Thoughts on Thanksgiving, Black Friday and Buy Nothing Day

On thanksgiving my family and I usually have a lot of people over our house and we all eat and mingle and such. Everyone usually brings some food and we make the most food because we're hosting and everyone seems to have a good time. There are a bunch of kids and its always my job to entertain them but I don't really mind as long as people are having fun. Thanksgiving has become more of a family time then anything, people do lose what the whole holiday is based on though which is genocide. Genocide did come up during the break but not until Saturday and it was very brief as if no one really wanted to speak about it. On Friday my family wanted to go shopping but we decided not to because we didn't think it would be worth it because of all the craziness. The Wall mart incident that happened on Black Friday really opened my eyes because is it really that big a deal that people couldn't have waited a couple more seconds to go inside the store like normal people? It really has become the AWOL to consume as much as possible, especially on things we might not need but because its on sale people make a big deal. Im not complaining about this way of life I just feel as though things could be done differently.

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