Saturday, January 24, 2009

Inaugurtaion Day

I thought that the Inauguration was a beautiful thing to see and it made me extremely happy. Watching Barack Obama and Joe Biden being sworn in really made me feel as though this country was actually moving towards something. If we had elected John McCain things would be the same from my perspective and I wouldn't have felt as if the country is really changing. I know that the race thing will always be a factor but with Barack being our President now i feel as though that one day everyone will be looked at as just human beings, and if we have to be judged be judged as people not by the color of our skin.

Some of what Obama said in his speach made me think about the AWOL. From what I can tell, everyone in America wants to be well liked, everyone wants to feel as though they are trusted by there "closest" friends. When Obama said that we needed to regain trust with the other nations I felt that was a true statement but I also believed that it showed how we, as Americans want to be thought off.

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